
Monday, February 6, 2012

Listen To What They Say

I just returned from a ten-day cruise to Key West and the Bahamas. Very relaxing. No telephone ringing. No deadlines. Just endless water and balmy nights. No worrying about query letters and the dreaded synopsis. Lots of reading, though. I had a  book on my Kindle that I started reading after we set sail. It was one of those "can't put down" books. NO REST FOR THE DEAD by 26 different writers. Great book, and highly recommended. But I digress. I sat on a window bench reading, saving the table for my sister and cousins, who had gone to the casino to kill time until the next Trivia game started. Two couples sat down at my table and started talking. Like I said, I was reading and minding my own business. One of the women left for the casino and her husband unloaded some interesting things about his wife and her family on the other couple. I tried. I really tried to keep reading and not eavesdrop. The wife came back and they all got up and left, and I hotfooted it back to my room and wrote down everything I could remember him saying. There's no way I'm not going to get a short story out of that conversation. So listen to what they say. You never know when someone will drop it in your lap.


  1. My goodness! Glad he's not MY husband. :) I listen too, Linda. I can never pass up a good listening opportunity in a restaurant. Can't wait to read that story! And glad you're home.

  2. That's great, Linda. Well, the cruise in general, but the conversation! Oh, my. You never do know who's listening. I'd hate to pick up a magazine one day and read one of my own conversations. But then most of mine are very dull.

  3. Wish I could've been there. Good for you for listening! Can't wait to see what comes out.

  4. I guess I should watch what I say around you, Linda! Listening is a great skill to have. Where I work you hear some of the funniest things, both from the kids and their parents.
